Over the summer I was involved in a week long book arts class in which I built a total of six books. Most were blank books, but the following is my final perfect bound book with content. The front book cloth is stitched to resemble the Andromeda constellation, the location where the conversation quoted in this book originates. This was one of my first attempts at a perfect bound book and the typography style used throughout was a very new way of working for me as well.
The colophon reads: "The quotes found in this book originate from the 1960’s sci-fi television show, The Outer Limits. The dialogue exists between a curious radio operator from Earth, and a “galaxy being” as they make their first contact. The show explores the interest of both beings as they question one another to gain further understanding. Diagrams which accompanied both Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes were used throughout the book as well. These were intended to give a brief overview of the human race should an alien species ever discover them. Both probes are among the first man-made objects to escape the solar system and continue to travel on through the dark abyss of space."